Despite complicated portraits and policy orientation: struggle to articulate right to education based on the Indonesia constitutional court decisions

Made Subawa, Bagus Hermanto


Education as a major part of life is a basic right for the development of human identity and dignity. This sector developed numerous problems in Indonesia due to the impact of the post-reform era. Therefore, this study aimed to provide citizens with the right to education based on the Constitutional Court Decisions in harmony with the constitution, human rights values, international consensus, and the development of global world civilization. Statutory and case law approaches were used to analyze, review, and articulate the right of Indonesians to education. This study aims at the dynamics of regulating education policy based on the discourse on the right in Indonesia. It also interprets the Constitutional Court Decisions which affirm human rights values, constitutional principles, upholds citizens' constitutional rights, and the orientation of the national education policy as a driving force of development in Indonesia.


Right to Education, Indonesia, Constitutional Court Decisions, Policy, Articulate

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