The principle of the difference of the theory of the Rawls justice face to the voluntary transferences and the associated management of public services for the public administration: indispensable analysis for the distribution joust of public resources

Luciano Elias Reis, José Osório do Nascimento Neto


The article describes initially the Theory of Justice of Rawls, which advocates the theory of justice as fairness. For both, Rawls examines the social context through the rights, obligations and freedoms which the members of society have and as such are guaranteed. It is also the role of justice, the object of justice, the main idea of the theory of justice, the original position and the principles of justice, since there is now a highlight the principle of difference. After there is the description on the partnerships permitted and encouraged by Brazilian legal system between the bodies, especially voluntary transfers and management associated with public services. Of the end, then is developed a criticism of the duty of analysis of the Public Administration to the principle of difference at the time of doing the voluntary transfers and the management associated with public services.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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